Michael Evans

A bunch of technobabble.

Using Dagger 1 and Kotlin

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Unless you’ve been hiding from all the news about Android development, you’ve likely heard about Kotlin (which hit version 1.0 on Monday!). I’ve been toying around with it lately (the Kotlin Koans are a great place to start for a beginner) and wanted to try building an app with it – that is, until I hit a few road blocks.

Personally, I’m still a fan of Dagger 1 (or as I refer to it, Dagger Classic), and when I started working on my Kotlin app, that’s what I was planning to use. I knew Annotation Processing support was a relatively new addition to Kotlin, so I began to search for some information about how to get Dagger to play nicely with the Kotlin compiler. There’s a lot of information about using Dagger 2 with Kotlin but not so much about Dagger Classic. Finally, I stumbled upon this article, which said, “Unfortunately, Square’s Dagger 1 does not appear to work with Kotlin while Google’s Dagger 2 does”.


This didn’t really deter me, however, because I’m stubborn like that. So I proceeded to give it a try with kapt1 anyway (which seemed like it might do what I want).


The first thing I did was try to create the various Dagger Modules that I’d need, which is where I hit my first roadblock. Attempting to compile my module gave the following error:

Error:Modules must not extend from other classes: org.michaelevans.example.AppModule

My intial thought was that Kotlin was causing my Module to extend Any, rather than Object. (Any is the root of the class hierarchy in Kotlin, similar to the way that Object is the root of the Java class hierarchy.) Upon closer inspection, that didn’t seem to be the issue, but rather than get hung up on this – I just converted my modules to Java classes and decided to come back to this issue later.


So now I had my modules set up, and I went about trying to @Inject some fields on an Activity or two. This yielded another problem: Kotlin doesn’t have fields, and we obviously can’t do constructor injection on something for which we don’t control the constructor – like Activity.

I thought I’d use Dagger to inject a property with “method” injection like so:

lateinit var service : MyService @Inject set

But when you try this – you’ll find out that Dagger doesn’t support Method injection!

So what can we do? We can target the annotation on the backing field like this:

lateinit var app : Application

And now when we compile, our dependencies are injected! Woo, progress.

Modules (part 2)

I was pretty pleased that I had Dagger and Kotlin playing nicely enough that I could write things (other than my modules) in Kotlin, and that DI was working. But it did bother me that I was so close to having the ability to use Kotlin for everything with one exception – why wouldn’t these Modules play nicely?

I dug into the Dagger source to find out where this error was coming from and found this. The JavaDoc for TypeMirror’s equals method says, Semantic comparisons of type equality should instead use Types.isSameType(TypeMirror, TypeMirror). The results of t1.equals(t2) and Types.isSameType(t1, t2) may differ.

I was pretty proud of myself for finding this potential issue in Dagger, and was about to submit a Pull Request until I noticed…that Jake had solved this issue about 18 months ago.

Running the 1.3-SNAPSHOT builds of Dagger that include this change allow my Modules to be compiled properly from Kotlin. Success!

In Summary (aka TL;DR)

  • Dagger works just fine with Kotlin (as long as you’re on 1.3)
  • Use annotations on the backing fields to perform injection
  • Use kapt instead of apt for the scope of your dagger-compiler dependency
  • Make sure to have the following lines in your build.gradle
kapt {
    generateStubs = true

Hopefully this helps others who are still using Dagger Classic and want to try out Kotlin!
